For this Human Resources business, we crafted a compelling new brand identity coupled with a great website and some copywriting.

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    Human Resources
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    Identity & Branding
    Web Design & Development

MPLOID is a unique career development programme created to empower individuals to carve their path to success by breaking down barriers and providing the essential tools and guidance needed to navigate dynamic industries. Following years of corporate experience in this arena, the founder sought to go solo and create his own platform to share crucial tips and strategies with a budding workforce.

Identity & Branding

When MPLOID envisioned a future where every individual is equipped to meet the challenges of dynamic industries head-on, they knew they needed a brand that echoed this empowering message. That's where we stepped in. Drawing from the founder's rich corporate experience and visionary goals, we sculpted an identity and branding strategy that resonates deeply with those at the threshold of their career journeys. Our work went beyond aesthetics, embedding MPLOID’s mission of empowerment, accessibility, and innovation into every facet of their brand.

Web Design and Development

The cornerstone of bringing MPLOID’s mission to the digital world was developing a website that serves as both a beacon and a tool for career development. We constructed a platform that's not only visually engaging but also rich in content, tailored to guide users through their career paths with clarity and purpose. Our comprehensive website design focuses on user experience, ensuring that each visitor can easily access the wealth of resources, tips, and strategies MPLOID offers.


The copy we devised is clear, inspiring, and direct, breaking down for the user exactly what they can hope to achieve with MPLOID.The aim was to create a feeling that users could use MPLOID as a hub to kickstart any new career journey and ensuring we got across the key services and benefits was essential.

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